Well have been trawling through my multitude of piccies, I am really proud of some photos I took of a Cormorant or shag. So I thought I would take this opportunity to share them with you.

I can t wait to put them in a scrapbook layout. Talking of wildlife photography I am thinking or organising a wildlife photography crop with a professional Wildlife photographer. It would be a full 1 week residential on the Black Isle in Scotland where there is a wide variety of stunning wildlife with a photography course and scrapping projects based on the photographs you take during the day. The cost of the crop would be around £850.00 it would nt be until next year if this sounds of interest please e mail me rattytatty@fsmail.net
I have created a free paper for you based on my photographs its called feathers hope you like it

available to download
here Don t forget that its the new challenge at
Papercraft Junkies tommorow (Monday just in case you are reading it on Monday) I am not doing an example for this weeks as half a day is not enough time, but I am already working on my example for next week so until next week enjoy this weeks wonderful examples from my talented team mates