Well I still have the flu and so my post this week is going to be very short and sweet.
As usual there is a great prize on offer at this thursday. Prize this week is sponsored by tanda stamps and is a great set of contemporary christmas stamps
The challenge on This Thursday this week is to go Mojo surfing .
So here is where I went surfing
http://ribenaruby.blogspot.com/ folded card
http://inkcicles.blogspot.com/ clip and string
The above two were my main inspration to use clips and styring and cards with some sort of fold
But I also included below as extra inspiration
http://onedragonsdream.blogspot.com/ inchy
http://onedragonsdream.blogspot.com/ inchy
http://www.audreyart.blogspot.com/ bandana technique
http://ultramum.wordpress.com/ green and blue
Thank you to all the above for their inspiration
So here are my two examples this week. There would have been more but have been so unwell that I couldn't do much crafting

I wanted to create a folded card that could include inchies, but in the end decided to create twinchies instead. So I folded a sheet of 12 by 12 to create this and adhered clips on each corner to create the tie closure,

I wanted to do something different with clip and string and a folded card This is what i came up with