Challenge 12 on This Thursday was choosen to celebrate This thursday's Susie getting married last thursday. She wore white with black detailing, a stunning dress, with a beautiful tiara, necklace and earings.
So we decided the challenge would be Black is back, so we want to see plenty of black and any other colours you would like to add. So here are my examples this week

Here is my little bits of me layout. Its probably a good job you can't see the smaller writing becasue you would find out all my terrible faults as well as some of my finer points. LOL
I also made this 10 by 4 album, I have yet to decide exacly what i am going to do with it. I sort of had three ideas when I was making it,
1 I am going to add pages for each year of my grandsons life with some of the hundreds of photos I already have of his 1st 8 months. *although I may need a bigger album for that one, LOL
2 Photos of me at various ages, not so keen on that one.
3 Make it a record of my example peices from This thursday challenge ( this is probably most likely choice) But I really really am pleased with how well this turned out. I was thinking that I could have black pages with a touch of colour to compliment the photos.
so thats it for me this week/ will catch you all later