Hi All
The challenge this week on This Thursday is all change, we have a great prize this week 3 CD roms

Which have been provided by our sponsor this week Little Lous Craft supplies . Prize value is a wopping £40.00 so an extra special thanks to Hayley from little lous
So here are my examples for the weeks challenge

As the theme was change for this card. I did nt use any of the backinbg papers on the cd I took a small section of the main image and blew it up with my photo editing softwear then ran a watercolour effect. I printed the background the mount and the image and flower embelishment
and the greeting as I panel and added fake stitching and borders with Sakura pens

I used the backing papers from the cd, but I also used the teabag papers, to create a small medallion as an embellishment

I think this although not yet completly finished will be my favorite peice. The image is printed onto fabric, wadded then quilted There is a project sheet available with suppliers at
http://www.thisthursday.wordpress.com/ on the project page

I also altered a small tin with a small section of the image . There are so many more projects that I want to do with this Cd. My neice has ordered a t shirt. I am going to print the image onto fabric with a black border. Stitch onto the t shirt with border left free. Then fringe the border. I am going to print a number of the images onto shrink plastic and make a charm braclet. I am going to make matching earings and pendant . I am going to transfer some onto fimo. In fact Im sure that there are loads more projects that I will end up using these images for.
Oh our sponsor Little lous craft supplies is having a show on Create and craft tommorow 18th at 2pm showing some more great projects , and if you hang on till the 3pm show you will get a preview of our next weeks sponsor
The Stamp man and possibly a hint at the prize next week.
I also have one of the papers from this weeks This Thursday downloads for you to download free.

You can download this free here
FREE PAPER DOWNLOAD If you like this one you can download more matching papers at
THIS THURSDAY on the downloads page
I will be back on later today to do some more challenges so there is more to come