After seeing newsnight tonight I was horrified to realise that not only has the government lost two data discs with 25 million peoples national insurance numbers, names addresses, child benifit numbers, but they have also lost 15 million childrens names addresses and ages.
If those discs fall into the hands of a peodophile ring all those children are put at risk.
This government should go

If you want to use this as a poster feel free to download it Download Here and display in your house and car windows. I am also hoping to put this on a t shirt at cafe press Direct link to items
Time and time again this goverment has shown that its inept, dishonest and useless. They have expected us to siut and twiddle out thumbs while the UK burns. Now its time we showed them how we feel
Bush and company really has just about destroyed this country!
Where are the pretty papers? This is different, but to the point.
Delete me for saying this but I don't think UKS is a suitable place for your labour rant. Epecially when you can't even spell properly!
Paedophiles, as you put it are highly unlikely to use this information as they usually KNOW the family well and the child.
And lets be honest this is NOT Gordon Browns fault!
I have two children and yes, I am worried about my identity being stolen however, I am NOT concerned about paedophilles using the information. This is scaremongering and if you had anything decent about you, or had experienced abuse first hand maybe you wouldn't be so forceful, ranting and plain old stupid.
Delete this if you wish but I will make sure that people hear about your silly rant and realise how silly you are.
Obviously you are a labour supporter. I can do a layout about anything I want n UKS. As to understanding abuse trust me I know only too well. But you obviously do not have the courage of your convictions as you have remained anonymous. I am more than willing to stand up for what I believe in.
hello, I just wanted to say i'v seen your layouts on uks and while I might not agree with everything you put, I do think your layouts are very striking and you have every right to show them off. This is upto the minute scrapbooking of current history and is an important part of your social history, if you can't be honest about your feelings on your own layouts whats the point.
Well I think its good to scrap wot your personal views are,and good for you!!
The layout is not my taste, but well done you for recording your views.
Personally, I think it's perfectly ok to put this type of layout on UKS or any other scrapbooking forum. I like to learn something about the person and their views from their layouts and your layouts give plenty of insight into you as a person. It's what makes them so strong and striking.
Scrapbooking doesn't have to be just about pretty pictures and nice thoughts, sometimes it's good to use it to make others think, or let your views be known - they don't have to agree with you but let's at least have the debate.
Pleae carry on posting layouts about what is important to you, on here or UKS.
Great way to record your thoughts and beliefs.
Good for you Tracey! I love your style and the fact you scrap about what you believe in. The LO isn't a personal attack on anyone (as per your anonymous post!) so whilst people may not agree with your opinion doesn't mean you don't have the right to show off your LO's and therefore your opinions! This can't have done your blood pressure much good lol!
You take care and keep scrapping about what you believe in!
crap LO, poorly worded point whilst I agree you have a right to post it. I am not a labour supporter and I do feel let down by poor governance but using the freedom of speach to knock together something a 10 year could do and posting it on a publice forum is immature and silly
I find it interesting that the above poster has the nerve to criticise your scrapbooking and the journalling on it while at the same time using poor English, poor spelling and poor punctuation. Normally I wouldn't pass a comment on these things but the expression "People in glass houses........etc" comes to mind here.
I am not wildly keen on the style of the LO but you have the right to do one on any subject of your pleasing.
its your opinion, its your blog and your uks gallery. if someone dosn't like it then they go to a different gallery/blog.
saying your LO is crap ( anon at 16.36) is way beyond expessing an opinion, its just childish, they can't think of anything to say about the topic so say petty things about your work
Great layout. It's your blog and you have every right to say what you want on it! Ignore those who don't even have the guts to say who they really are.
Having read your thread on UKS, I had to read this. As many have said, scrapping is personal, and not always about fluffy nice soft things.
These anonymous posters should really put their money where their mouths are and say who they are, if they feel that strongly, and should really think about what they say before they make themselves look stupid by leaving petty threats (21 nov 22.03), which don't have any substance. If you're going to criticise, make it constructive, or just don't do it.
Continue to express yourself, it's what wars were fought for.
More power to you girl... I know firsthand what it's like to receive anonymous, vicious comments and if they had the courage of their convictions - as you obviously do - they'd leave a name. Freedom to speak, write and share how we feel is what blogging's all about and your LOs have as much value as any other - you rock! Don't let the b******s get you down, mate. I feel a revolution coming.... and about time. Scrapbookers for MPs, say I.
Hugs xx
This is possibly the most idiotic rant I've ever read. Please actually read the newspaper instead of looking at the pretty pictures. Get a life or at least get a clue!
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