Hello all
I have decided that today and tommorow I am going to attempt to do as many challenges as I can so I have a list to start
My time to craft Ribbons DONE 2
Created by hand Charms DONE
Mixed media monday Paint DONE 2
artbuzz schoolgirl DONE
Cardvarks Hot DONE
daring cardmakers Wood or silverwear DONE 2
Gothic Arches Chair
take part tuesday Forest DONE
wednesday stamper Diva DONE
sketch this sketch 49 DONE
That was my starting list its now Thurday and I still have two challenges on original list,Gothic Arches and Artbuzz but I am off to find more challenges to do today. I will put the list below this
Artygirlz 3d DONE
Cardmakers United Paint chips and photo DONE
Lilypad challenge circles DONE
Funky fairies Going dotty DONE
Think Monday think atc. Black and White DONE
Paper minutes sketch 12
ISMAKI sketch 18 DONE
Theme Thursday Tea or coffee
So here is my 1st completed peice (sorry about the poor picture makes it look out of shape)
I have decided that today and tommorow I am going to attempt to do as many challenges as I can so I have a list to start
My time to craft Ribbons DONE 2
Created by hand Charms DONE
Mixed media monday Paint DONE 2
artbuzz schoolgirl DONE
Cardvarks Hot DONE
daring cardmakers Wood or silverwear DONE 2
Gothic Arches Chair
take part tuesday Forest DONE
wednesday stamper Diva DONE
sketch this sketch 49 DONE
That was my starting list its now Thurday and I still have two challenges on original list,Gothic Arches and Artbuzz but I am off to find more challenges to do today. I will put the list below this
Artygirlz 3d DONE
Cardmakers United Paint chips and photo DONE
Lilypad challenge circles DONE
Funky fairies Going dotty DONE
Think Monday think atc. Black and White DONE
Paper minutes sketch 12
ISMAKI sketch 18 DONE
Theme Thursday Tea or coffee
So here is my 1st completed peice (sorry about the poor picture makes it look out of shape)
This is for Mixed media mondays paint, Daring cardmakers Wood and Take part tuesdays Forest
I used permanant marker and drew the shapes in dashed lines. coloured with watercolour paint. then wrote in permanant marker words that I associte with the shape For eg bark,brown, bough,tree,wood. on the trunk of the tree . Sun hot warm,sunny on the sun etc
Here ios my second peice

This covers challenges Mixed media paint, daring cardmakers wood, My time to craft ribbons ,created by hand charms
I used pearlescent acrylic paint in dark blue, aqua and green, watered down with lots of water in a small essential oil atomisers (bought from ebay in pack of 10) as a spray onto plain cardstock. then onto Pearlescent wave pattern card(same card used in Sundays free project download (shows through really well in real life) then on the wooden button. Charm is the fish obviously, ribbons I plated three ribbons and also used the ribbon in the button as fake stitching > I also used 3 sets of dovecraft alphabet stamps > I must admit that i always regreted not having more alphabets, but now Trimcraft and Dovecraft do small clear and woodblock alphabet sets for 99p Im going to have loads (so they can also work for examples for my competiton. LOL)
Well here is item 3

Thia covers Caardvarks Hot challenge and Wednesdays stamper Diva and Sketch this Sketch 49 .
Used Cherry Artes paper Image from Tuscan Rose collage art CD (1 I think) I used the trimcraft Studio G Alphabet stamps again and a Trimcraft Studio G clear stamp from a flower set for the embellishment. I did nt want to hide the paper so the writing is on dotty Vellum in child like writing it says mummy says when I grow up Im going to be a proper little
Here is thursdays 1st Item and 4th item in total

Which completes the challenges Artgirlz 3d,Artbuzz Schoolgirl, Ismaki Sketch 18 and Cardmakers United Paint chips and Photo
Here is item 5

Which completes My time to craft, Ribbon challenge again Lily Pad challenge Circles, Funky Fairies Going Dotty challenge and Think Monday Think ATC Black and white Challenge
Due to unforseen circumnstances I have to go out and don't know what time I will be back and I still have 3 challenges in my list. However if you include the challenges I have done more than once . I have completes 17 challenge items in two days although I did nt start til 12.30 on Wednesday and finished at 5pm and started at 12.30 today and finished at 5. If I get back in time to complete the remaining items I will . If not I think I have done ok with this challenge
Don't forget . I have free downloadable projects and free downloadable papers scattered through my blog. Also you still have 7 days to comment on my blog for the great blog candy prize and 7 days to enter the competition to win Loads of Dovecraft Laura Ashley Goodies including papers and stamps
Wow so wonderful. Gorgeous.
Wow this is great! Good luck with your mammoth task too!
Very nice. Love the words through out. Quite an ambitious load you have there. Good Luck.
lovely creations!
I love the fish and the waves! I'll bet this spectacular when you can see the pearlescence! Great stuff! Thanks for taking the Charm Challenge!
Love your systematic method of achieving your goals! Also love your diva.
Great cards, thank you for joining in with the MTTC challenge xxx
Wow!! your creations are fabulous!! I'm always behind on challenges...need more time...lol.
Thanks for the BD wishes and entering my blog candy!!
Beautiful creations.
Wow fabby cards, and good luck with completing all the challenges :)
Very beautiful!
Great stuff. Good luck with the 2 day challenge!! Thanks for completing the ribbon challenge this week :o) Jo x
Wow that's quite some challenge to set yourself! I am impressed!!! I sometimes try to incorporate a couple of themes at once as I don't get enough time but this beats my attempts! Fantastic stuff!! :)
What a big undertaking! Great pieces! Diane
Great, Tracey! You are now officially crowned the "Challenge Queen"! It makes me tired just reading your 'to do' list! But, you've done some wonderful things!! Very beautiful work, here!! Keep going. . .
Look at you go on those challenges ... love the way you colored the black and white image ... very fun cards.
WOW you have made yourself a large list of challenges to do :) great work!!
You asked on my blog the name of the stamps that I used? The swirls are from Autum leaves by Rhonna Farrer. And the fairy girl is a Chichibouli by Stampingbella.com
hugs Ria
This is wonderful work - I love how you've pulled it all together. Thank you for visiting my blog and commenting on my 3D and ribbons card too - you said you'd like a closer look so I've changed the pic for a bigger one when you click on it - just for you! :)
beautiful work!!
You clever little tinker :) I love all of your challenge art creations but have to admit Im biased and my favourite is the school girl image one you did for my artbuzz challenge ;)
This is fab Tracey!!
Wow what a task I'm getting worn out just thinking of doing all those challenges lol
Thanks for joining in with Arty Girlz once again xx
You've been busy. Great results :)
Lovely card :0)
Thanks for taking part in the Funky Fairy challenge this week x
fab cards - thank you for joining in the ribbon challenge on MTTC
You have been busy :) Lovely cards :) Thanks for joining in this week!
Shaz x
Good gracious you've been busy! Great stuff :o)
Thanks for joining in the Funky Fairy challenge xxx
What a lot of work are you doing!! Great!!! Tomorrow starts a new one: http://fridaysketchersblog.blogspot.com Maybe you like to take a look.
Wow: That's a lot of pressure to put on yourself but you have certainly created a lovely mix of cards, etc.
Thanks for joining in the Funky Fairy challenge.
Great work but - poke poke - you missed a challenge - www.inchybyinch.blogspot.com LOL!
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