Well 1stly I have to appologise to my team mates for messing up the challenge LOL.
Secondly I have to admit that my challenge examples are not all that I hoped they would be. Due to the fact that since just after Christmas i have my 23 year old daughter and 1 year oldf grandson back home camped out in my craftroom. With half of their belongings.
So just getting anything to work with was a challenge in itself. Although its lovely to have my grandson at home.
Our sponsor Joanna Sheen sent is some amazingly cute and useful stamps to play with, and the prize stamps are really really cute as well.
Anyway less of the addo
So here are my examples

A really girly card made with the footballer set. I just love the adaptability of the stamps they don't just have to be for the boys.
Well its now 2am Thursday morning and I am shattered, we have been running around looking at houses for the last 4 days and I have also been looking after my grandson. I must admit to be absolutly shocked at how tiring it is. Im feeling like a very old bag tonight .
Night all