So the competition starts on the 14th of April. I am giving you plenty of warning so you can get crafting. You can enter no matter which country you live in. To enter you need to create craft items using at least 1 Dovecraft product ( If you want to decorate a plastic handbag with Dovecraft brads thats ok, if you want to use Dovecraft Stamps and stamp onto Fabric thats fine it can be any craft item) . If you need to buy try here select Dovecraft in the manufacturers drop down list and a massive range of products are available. They do international shipping for £4.99 for orders under £60.00 and if you get carried away free shipping over £60.00. Or you could put Dovecraft in my Google search box if you prefer. For every craft item you link to the competition post which will be dated 14th April you will recieve 1 entry into the draw for the prize.
You can have three items on one post , you get three entries. Your blog post (if you have more than 1 item in a post description must be clear as to which products you have used with which craft item) or photo description must tell me what Dovecraft item you used. The more you craft the more chances to win. You can type in the link of a photogallery photo if you haven't got a blog eg forum gallerys, photobucket etc .
You will also get an entry for every post (without a competition craft entry) on your blog that mentions the Competition and links to this post or the the competition post . So you can spread the word now, and start getting entries into the draw. You can enter no matter which country you live in. Prize will be sent no matter where you live. Competition entry will close on the 14 th of May . Winner will be announced a week later. I will also be announcing the next months competition at the beginning of May.
You will also get an entry for every post (without a competition craft entry) on your blog that mentions the Competition and links to this post or the the competition post . So you can spread the word now, and start getting entries into the draw. You can enter no matter which country you live in. Prize will be sent no matter where you live. Competition entry will close on the 14 th of May . Winner will be announced a week later. I will also be announcing the next months competition at the beginning of May.
Complete list of prizes and all entry options HERE
Talking about papers I have designed you another freebee
If you like it you can download it here Free Paper Download its called Floral avoidance stripes .
The Avoidance comes from this wonderful pallet by pixeljedi I found on Colourlovers if you want this pallet yourselves its HERE . Colourlovers has loads of great pallets and colours and patterns for you to browse its definatly worth a visit, but it will probably be a long one.
breaking News
There are going to be two , yes two prizes
The craft entry draw
There will be a prize for the favorite entry picked by the donator of the second Prize
Come back tommorow to find out what the second prize will be and who the donator is.
You can e mail this post to a friend by clicking the little envelope icon at the bottom of the post.
Anyway all thats me for today, start getting your craft entries ready the more items you have the more entries you get.
saw these stamps last saturday , look fabby .
Oh wow - you're really back with a bang mate!! Woohoo - lucky I use mainly Dovecraft papers when I'm not making my own!!¬ Will deffo post about all this... loads of chances to win! ;-]
WOW - will have to look through my stash and see what Dovecraft products I have. Thanks for contacting me and will add a link to my blog.
Love the free papers by the way.
Thank you for emailing me about this candy!
Thanks for getting in touch Tracy. I saw that you had been unwell, hope you are fully recovered now. I am really getting into the digi world now and starting to make my own papers, I just love it! I certainly have some dovecraft products, I will see if I can get something made for your comp. Fab stamps btw
brilliant tracey to see you back
competition looks great - x
Nice to see you back - I love those stamps
Great to have you back Tracy. ;) :)
Fabulous competition - think I have some dovecraft paper - yeaaa. :)
Debbie x
Hi Tracey - pop over to my blog I have something for you. ;) :)
Debbie x
Thanks for the heads up about the competition. Glad to see you blogging again, i was worried about you. Will try and come up with a few cards. Take Care. x
Hey Rattytatty thanks so much for visiting my blog and giving me the heads up for your blog comp, I really appreciate it.......
Tracey - I have written about your comp here:
Tracey, thanks for the free papers to download. Have downloaded!
Have posted the competition blog on my blog too!
Whoo Hooo stamps, you know I love stamps!
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